E-LETTER NO: 265 – 29th MARCH 2018


Writing this piece for the Maundy Thursday edition of our E-letter I am reminded of the great sacrifice God and Jesus gave to us at this time, the pathway to the Cross and the Glory of the Resurrection on Easter Day, giving us the privilege to be called Christians [and first called so in Antioch - Acts 11:26]. I hope you are all able to share in this season in appropriate ways.

Talking of privilege, I feel very privileged to be one of the Synod’s representatives at the meetings of Mission Council, to hear the presentations, share in the discussions and (usually) consensus decision making. You can see the daily round-up links on the URC web site home page at https://urc.org.uk At our recent Synod meeting the paper 'A view from 2025’ was accepted as the way for deployment of Ministers within the Synod. This takes account number of Ministers due to retire over the next few years and the reduction of people putting themselves forward as candidates for Ministry. I saw the effect of this first hand on recent visits to each of our RCLs (Resource Centres for Learning - the colleges where training is undertaken) where fewer numbers of students is clearly reflected in the ‘year group’ photographs.

At Synod we were reminded that the General Data Protection Regulation comes into force on 25 May 2018. Hopefully, everyone is now well on the way to considering individual church responses. For help and some template forms please look at on the national church website or https://www.urc5.org.uk/content/general-data-protection-regulations

If you have any questions that are not answered (on the pages in the links above) please send them to the Synod office by post or, preferably, email at admin@urc5.org.uk where they will be collated and passed on to people at Church House for consideration.

David J Greatorex

  • We would like to thank Mr Tony Blow, a Member of Stamford URC, for his 59 years of service as a Locally Recognised Lay Preacher , as he retires on Easter Sunday, when he will conduct Stamford’s Easter Morning Worship and Communion Service as his final service. Tony has given extremely long and loyal Service to the U R C  as a Lay Preacher  ( together with other positions )at Churches in Lincolnshire, Leicestershire and adjoining Counties and his work in this respect will be very much missed and is much appreciated . Stamford URC will mark Tony's retirement at this Service.
  • We regret to inform you of the death of the Revd Margery Woodland. Margery was ordained in 1984 and served at Wilton and the Wyle Valley in Wiltshire from 1984-1994 when she retired and moved to mid-Wales where she became a member, and later an Elder, of Trinity Church, Llanidloes.  A Service of Thanksgiving for her life was held on Thursday 22nd March in Trinity Church, Llanidloes.

MARLPOOL URC THEATRE COMPANY – presents ‘Saints Alive! and songs of New Beginnings’ in the Community Hall, Chapel Street, Marlpool from 17th – 19th May 2018 at 7.30pm. Tickets cost £6 each and are available from the box office by calling: 01332 986082  or online at: www.ticketsource.co.uk/murctc with no booking fee. This event is in partnership with Marlpool URC Flower Festival which can be visited from 6pm on performance nights.


WISBECH URC - is celebrating 200 years at Castle Square this year.  There will be a celebration service on Saturday, 28th April, at 3pm, led by Alan Yates, Moderator of the General Assembly.  There will also be an exhibition of some of the historical past of the church.  Anyone interested is invited to attend.

ARTS BREAKOUT - Friday 20 April to Saturday 28 April at ChristChurch LEP on Finkin Street Grantham. Nine days of multi-media arts-related events, with a range of topics, activities and performances. It begins on Friday 20 April at 7.00pm with Pam Rhodes from BBC’s Songs of Praise telling Stories behind our Favourite Hymns. All events will be free and all are very welcome.


CHURCHES TOGETHER IN BULWELL - invite you to a Coffee Morning hosted by Bulwell URC, on Saturday April 21st from 10.30am. There will be books, CDs, DVDs, bric-a-brac, cakes and refreshments. 11am – Local Councilors Surgery. Supporting Churches Together in Bulwell. Come along and bag a bargain!

TWO CHRISTIAN AID EVENTS – Hosted by Bulwell URC on Saturday May 12th.

10.30am – Spring Fair, various stalls - Fairtrade, bric-a-brac, books, DVDs, home-made cakes

7.00pm – Nottingham Ukulele Orchestra singalong concert raising funds for Christian Aid.     

A great night out! Tickets £3 (or can pay on the door) Contact Joy Rice:  riced@hotmail.co.uk

Tea/coffee/juice included, home-made cakes to buy.



We'd love YOU to be involved in helping us investigate how people of all ages can become disciples of Jesus through Messy Churches.
Church Army's Research Unit have already interviewed nearly 200 Messy Church leaders to capture their insights, and we're now planning some less traditional Messy-appropriate methods!

A free fun Messy day for leaders of Messy Churches, children and their parents or carers led by our research team.
We're inviting you to join us on Saturday 28th April, at the Wilson Carlisle Centre... in Sheffield, from 10am to 2.30pm for a Messy Saturday complete with crafts, activities, worship, hot dogs and ice cream! While you play and create we'll ask you some questions.
Will you help us by coming along? Let us know by emailing ask@churcharmy.org or phoning us on 0300 123 2113.



All homes must now have an Energy Performance Certificate (“EPC”).  They provide an efficiency rating from “A” being most efficient, to “G” being the least efficient. For property, an EPC contains information about a property’s energy use and typical energy costs as well as recommendations about how to reduce energy use and save money. They are valid for 10 years, although it will need to be updated should any works be carried out that could influence a property’s energy efficiency, e.g. upgrading doors, windows and central heating systems.
You need to be aware that there will be a change in the law from 1 April 2018 affecting any properties with a low EPC rating. This is especially relevant if a manse or church property is rented out to tenant
From 1 April 2018 it will be unlawful for a landlord to grant a new tenancy (including a tenancy extension or renewal) of the property, with an EPC rating below an “E”.  A landlord with an “F” or “G” rated property will be expected to install all energy efficiency improvements prior to the property being tenanted. Where the local authority considers that a Landlord may be in breach of the new law, it may serve a compliance notice. This will inform you that you need to make changes and provide a timeframe in which they need to be completed. Where a Landlord fails to comply, this could lead to fines up to £4,000.00.

From 1 April 2020, all properties which fall into “F” or “G” ratings will need to make the improvements whether the property tenancy has changed or not prior to this date and whether the property is tenanted at the time or not."



We have secured some fantastic speakers and are very excited about this course.

The course details are:

Wednesdays from 25th April 2018  to 16th May 2018

  • 25th April 2018 – Sexualisation of Society “Living as a Christian in a Sexualised Society – Canon Reg Bailey, Independent Reviewer for Government of the Commercialisation and Sexualisation of Childhood.
  • 2nd May 2018 - Media – Cathy Le Feuvre, author/writer, media consultant and trainer.
  • 9th May 2018 – Religion & the modern world – Dr Nick Wood, Dean, Director of the Centre for Christianity and Culture.
  • 16th May 2018 – Extremism – Canon Peter Adams, Director, St Marys Centre for Peace and Reconciliation.  Consultant and Trainer in Intercultural Relations and Community Relations.

 At St Andrews Church Kimbolton Road Bedford MK40 2PF, 8pm to 9.30pm.  £5 per person, per session

There is no need to book – Just turn up on the night.



A study day looking at the rule of St. Benedict. All Welcome! On Saturday 14th July 2018 from 10.30am - 3pm (bring a packed lunch) at the Synod Meeting Room, Nottingham, NG5 3AA. Led by Revd Dr Deborah Baird. Booking is essential, to book contact Hannah Holmes:

Tel: 0115 9609241


Join us for Bible Study, discussion and fellowship. Led by Revd Dr Deborah Baird on Saturday 23rd June 2018, 10.30am - 2.30pm at the Synod Meeting Room, Nottingham, NG5 3AA (Please bring your own lunch) To book contact Hannah Holmes: trainingpa@urc5.org.uk  Tel: 0115 9609241


Safeguarding training led by Jane Henderson at Stamford URC, in the Church Hall on Broad Street.

On Saturday 21st April 2018 from 10am to 2pm. Refreshments served. To book or for more information contact Hannah Holmes at the Synod Office: trainingpa@urc5.org.uk  Tel: 0115 9609241


Hayes Conference Centre, Swanwick, Derbyshire, from 8th-9th June 2018

Sharing our God led experiences in a missional sense should inspire and encourage us. We should be challenged to view the culture and community that we are part of through God's eyes, how might that change your church mission activities? What might you be led to stop and engaged to start something new? Together, we will enjoy two days of fellowship, discussion, learning and sharing based on John’s Gospel.

We are delighted that our teaching sessions will be led by Rev Canon Dave Male who has recently been promoted to Church of England Director for Evangelism and Discipleship. He is highly respected for his expertise and is very experienced in helping churches implement missional strategies. We believe those attending will benefit greatly from his sessions. Our times of worship will be led by Sam and Sara Hargreaves of engage worship.

The conference cost is just £90 per person including accommodation on the 8th June, all meals and delegate packs. Full details of the event and booking information can be found on our website: https://www.ruralministries.org.uk


10am – 2pm at Stamford URC, Star Lane, Stamford, Lincolnshire, PE9 1PH

To book please contact Hannah Holmes at the Synod Office: trainingpa@urc5.org.uk Tel: 0115 9609241


13th—15th April 2018. At The Pioneer Centre, Kidderminster This is a chance to meet together and have fun. If you are between 11 and 17 then we hope you’ll join us. For more information contact Hannah Holmes: trainingpa@urc5.org.uk or Jane Henderson: cydo@urc5.org.uk

And Finally...

Please send any comments or feedback on this e-letter to: admin@urc5.org.uk
The URC East Midlands Synod, 1 Edwards Lane, Sherwood, Nottingham, NG5 3AA.
Email address for E-Letter Editor: trainingpa@urc5.org.uk Copy Date for Next E-Letter: 09.04.2018