Funding Sources for Churches

(page UNDER REVIEW - many of these links are bad
- some have been taken over by other organisations 05/02/22 etc.)

Community Mission (appears to have ceased its activity) provide an email newsletter which lists various sources of funding, most, though not all are relevant to churches and other voluntary organisations.  

Abbey Charitable Trust (taken over?) is committed to making a difference in areas with an Abbey bank branch. It funds projects that focus on education and training, helping people manage their money, or community regeneration. It offers grants of between £500 and £4,000 but accepts applications up to £20,000 for projects in areas with a Community Partnership Group (including Bradford, Sheffield, Camden, Northern Ireland and Glasgow).  There are no deadlines or application forms. For information on what to include in your letter of interest visit their website.

 O2’s Its your Community funding initiative asks the question, ‘If you could change one thing about where you live, what would it be?’ and offers from £100 to £1,000 to individuals and groups who develop projects that bring people together and benefit community life.  Funding can be used for equipment, clean-up projects and many other possible community activities. Read their application guide, apply online or phone 0800 902 0250 for more information. The deadline is the 20th of each month for decisions by the 10th of the next month.

The Anchor Foundation supports Christian charities that are working for social inclusion through the ministries of healing and the arts. Its grants range from £500 to £10,000 for up to three years and the projects it has funded are varied. The next application is 31 July for a decision in November. Read the information sheet or complete an online application.


The Garfield Weston Foundation makes grants to UK charities, including churches, and its focus is education, arts, health, welfare and the environment. It funds diverse work by churches and does not have a funding limit for applications. There is no application deadline and grants are made for one year. Read the information for churches, application guidelines and projects previously funded. To apply, download an application form.

Allchurches Trust provides grants to churches for building projects, renovation and community initiatives. There is no deadline for applications.
Read these case studies of awarded funds, complete an application form, email them or phone 01452 336 370.

The Coalfields Regeneration Trust is accepting applications of up to £10,000 for its Bridging the Gap programme. Successful projects must provide clear and immediate benefits to an eligible coalfields community and be completed in one year. Download an information booklet, Apply online or use these contact us page for more information.

The Nationwide Foundation’s small grants programme is accepting applications for up to £5,000 to support projects working to respond to domestic violence as well as those working with families of prisoners and young offenders. To apply you must be a registered charity with an income under £500,000. Applications can be made at any time. To apply, complete the application form and send it to their office or for more information phone 01793 655 113.

The Peter De Haan Charitable Trust offers grants for projects impacting children and young people, specifically those aimed at early intervention and community issues. Total grants awarded this year will be £2-£3 million and grants can be made for project-based costs or to subsidise core costs for up to three years. Applications can be made at any time but major grants are decided in June, September and December. The website includes application guidelines.

E.ON is a leading energy company in the UK. Its SOURCE Fund provides grants up to £20,000 for community projects that improve energy efficiency of their buildings. To be eligible, the project needs to benefit young people, older people and those in fuel poverty. Applications must be received by 15 May or 16 October for the next rounds of funding. The website includes funding criteria, FAQs and >guidance notes. To apply, complete the application form.

BT’s Community Connections aims to reduce the number of people who do not have access to the internet. It provides community organisations with a laptop and free internet connection for one year as well as help creating a website. Applications can be made individually or as a group of up to five organisations, which reduces administration. Read about who can apply, past winners, application deadlines or complete the  online application form

Sport England’s small grants programme offers between £300 and £10,000 to community projects that increase participation in sport. The possibilities are varied and include more than just football and cricket: ie dancing, cycling, taekwondo, pool, badminton and many others. There are no application deadlines and applications are normally awarded within six weeks. Projects must be completed within 12 months and have a budget of £50,000 or less. Read their top tipsapply online or phone 08458 508 508.


You can also sign up for the newsletter at: appears to have ceased its activity.

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