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Synod Mission Fund

The East Midlands Synod Mission Fund was created in 2008 to make grants to United Reformed Church congregations within the synod for the purpose of expanding the mission of the local church. The Mission Fund is able to assist where the mission purpose of the project is clear and fits within the overall Pastorate Profile.  Grants can be made to single United Reformed Church congregations and joint pastorates and Resource Areas and to LEPs which include the United Reformed Church.

Source of Funds

The Fund was created by the transfer of £50,000 each year from capital arising from the sale of redundant churches. In 2018 the amount transferred was raised to £75,000pa. It also receives funds from the income arising from several former District Funds and local Trusts.

The Fund also administers the Moorgreen Trust Fund, which is available only to the churches of the former Erewash Valley Pastorate and only for capital expenditure.


Successful project applications will have the aim of strengthening the worshipping and serving community of the local church.

Churches seeking funding may include alterations to buildings where such alterations form part of the mission purpose. Projects may also include social action where that has a clear outreach or mission purpose.

The maximum grant available is £50,000 and must not be more than 50% of the total project cost.

Funding may be awarded for projects extending for up to 5 years. The total must not exceed the maximum £50,000.

Normally only one application per church per year will be considered.

Where a church has received funding for a project, a second and further rounds of funding for that project may be considered.

Grants will normally only be available for new mission initiatives rather than to fund continuing/existing work, except where the application is to continue a project previously supported by a Mission Fund grant.

Where pastorate is or includes a Local Ecumenical Partnership the maximum grant awarded may be less than 50% at the discretion of the Mission Fund Panel.

The Panel will consider funding requests for ecumenical projects.  If a grant is awarded it will normally be capped in proportion to the URC’s interest in the project. So, for an ecumenical project sponsored by 4 denominations, the Mission Fund can contribute 25% of the total up to £50,000. The Mission Fund Panel can however exercise discretion and may agree a higher proportion if it feels it appropriate e.g. to ‘kick start’ a project.

All projects which involve work with children and/or young people must have the support of the Synod CYDO, Mr Richard Knott - Email: Mobile: 07577 867024.

All grant applications must have the support of the Synod Mission Development Officer, Mr Tom Donoghue - Email: Mobile: 07592 423490. 

This guidance is in addition to the criteria for making grants, given in the Guidance Notes; applications that do not meet the published criteria are not eligible for Mission Fund grants.

Current members of the Panel are:

  • Mrs Helen Lidgett, Convenor
  • Mr Tom Donoghue, Secretary
  • Revd Geoffrey Clarke (ex-officio)
  • Revd James Breslin (ex-officio)
  • Dr. Graham Jennings (ex-officio)
  • Revd George Mwaura, OMCG Convenor
  • Mr David Greatorex, Synod Treasurer
  • Miss Victoria Paulding
  • Mr Peter Rippon
  • Mrs Ruth Maddison
  • Ms Elaine Shardlow
  • Mrs Chris Willis, Synod Administrator

The next panel meetings and application deadlines are:

Meeting DateApplication Cut-off Date
19th March 2025
(Extra Meeting if required:
26th March 2025)
19th February 2025
11th November 2025
(Extra Meeting if required:
20th November 2025)
11th October 2025
Resource Category