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Training & Development

What we’re about

The East Midlands Synod’s Training and Development team is there to support your local church in its life and witness – and its people in their individual callings. A disciple is by definition a learner: our task is to support you in that lifelong journey, walking the Way of Jesus Christ in an ever-changing landscape.

We work hand in hand with all the Synod’s churches, groups and staff to meet the needs they identify, to recommend or facilitate suitable training and to help build up the people of God here in the East Midlands.

Photo: Sincerely Media on Unsplash

For Ministers and Church Related Community Workers

We deliver a programme of regular retreats and training opportunities for Ministers of Word and Sacrament and Church Related Community Workers, including an annual Summer School. In addition, we support ministers to fund and fulfil their own ongoing learning through the Education for Ministry programme and their ten-yearly sabbaticals. We also provide some of their mandatory training, such as Safer Sacred Space.

For Everyone

It isn’t only ministers who exercise ministry – so we’re there to help church members and elders develop in their skills and callings, too. With opportunities both online and in person, our programme ranges from addressing specific practical needs to encouraging scriptural and spiritual development. This includes promoting the URC’s discipleship development Stepwise and responding to other denominational initiatives, but also responding to requests that come to us from churches.

Supporting other groups

Training & Development is inherently collaborative: we can be called upon by the Mission Group, JPIC (Justice, Peace & Integrity of Creation) Group and more. Working with the Lay Ministries Group, we support the learning of Lay Preachers and Worship Leaders and arrange training for lay people authorised to lead the Sacraments.

Funding your development

Part of our role, wherever possible, is to help you find financial support to enable you to learn and grow in your service. We help point you to appropriate funding sources and also administer the Discipleship Development Fund small grants scheme.   Local churches and individuals can claim up to £200 a year to support them in growing as disciples through the small grants scheme.

Who we are:

Derek Graham is our Training & Development Officer, a full-time employee dedicated to developing, publicising and implementing the group’s programme.

Contact Derek.

The Revd Dr Gillian Poucher is the Convenor of the Training & Development Group, exercising oversight of the group, chairing its meetings and representing it at Synod and Synod Council.

Contact Gillian.

Hannah Holmes is our Training PA, whose many tasks include the all-important administration of events, responding to enquiries and, with Derek, editing the Synod’s e-letter to share news of opportunities.

Contact Hannah.

Our Training & Development Networkers are also vital members of our team,helping to publicise our work in local churches and areas, as well as feeding suggestions back to us.
