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East Midlands Synod Deployment - Process for the Call of a Minister to a Resource Church and Resource Area Churches


“A Precious Resource – Offered and Shared in Partnership”

The accompanying policy documents and summary paper, updates the Deployment Policy for stipendiary ministry adopted by East Midlands Synod at its meeting in March 2018.

OMCG discussed and approved this revised policy document at its meeting on the 15th June and this was subsequently endorsed by Synod Council.
We hope it will assist local congregations in understanding the need for adopting this model of ministry and it is this model that we will use going forward, to establish new opportunities, as we develop Resource Area ministry across the Synod.

We would encourage you to share this policy with your Church and Elders Meetings and consider how this might work, or is working, in your local situation.

You may find the Summary Overview helpful to share with the wider congregation ahead of discussions in Church Meetings.

We commend these policy documents to you, praying that new and fruitful ministry will grow for Synod churches as we continue to reform and transform in obedience to the Living Christ.

All good wishes and Blessings

Rev George Mwaura
Convenor Ordained Ministry and Churches Group

Resource Category