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Opening Reflection by David Greatorex, East Midlands Synod Treasurer

Help is at Hand

As I write this I’m bombarded with emails and TV news stories about money. Most recently the budget and change in the Bank Rate. I’m feeling I need some ‘HELP’!

Let’s look at a few items that are available for us all, as I’m sure we will all be affected in some way by these recent changes. But are we ready for the changes - and how they have the potential for changing budgets at church and in our private lives?

Budget picture

Some changes are set for future dates, others are much more ‘immediate’ so we have to be prepared to adapt to the circumstances given to us.

Fortunately there is help available. Some examples are readily available, others might require some research and action on our part, and examples go beyond just looking at 'the budget’, although may inform it.

The recently introduced ’Synod Team on Tour’ sessions are a space to allow discussions and help with planning in many areas of church life. Additionally, some staff team members have set up online sessions where questions can be asked and potential solutions considered. It is planned these will be continued and expanded in 2025. 

However, help is available beyond these sessions by visiting the Synod website [new and updated] where numerous resources are available: .  There can be found links to helpful information and who to contact if discussions are necessary. 

The site is being developed so if you feel something is ‘missing’ that may be of help, please contact us. .

Some points to note:
- We heard about ‘Talking Faith’ at our recent Synod Meeting. The national URC website now hosts resources that may help, at: .

- Increases have been made in the Living Wage Foundation's [LWF] indicative basic hourly rate: see . The Government living wage is lower than that of LWF.

- Some churches employ people and the change in employer National Insurance contributions could see increased costs.

- The auditors used by the Synod Trust have produced a summary of the recent budget, found on their website at

- A helpful resource on Stewardship in the URC is TRIO [The Responsibility is Ours]. You can access TRIO online, or paper versions are available from the Synod Office. Several churches have used this to positive effect in recent years - including the church I attend, and the one where the Moderator had his most recent ministry.

Please don’t be ’shy’ - ask and we will attempt to HELP!

Some recent reading and meetings have caused me to reflect on the Synod's way of sharing resources, particularly in Resource Areas and Area Partnerships. The basic structure for this is sound but it needs constant review to meet changing circumstances within the Area - and also those ‘imposed’ from wider external sources.

So, as Advent approaches let us remind ourselves of The Advent themes of Hope, Peace, Love and Joy - these are helpful and relevant.