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Mileage and Expenses Claim Forms


There are two forms. When carrying a passenger, please use the "Synod Expenses with passengers Claim Form" as it allows you to claim 5p per passenger when travelling on Synod business. If you have more than one passenger, please contact the finance Officer for assistance.

Whichever form you choose should be downloaded and completed - preferably electronically - and then returned to Chris Willis in the office either as an email attachment or by post.

Claims for expenses (and mileage) are ALL paid by bank transfer.
If details are not already held in the office you can register your bank information when making a claim on either form.

Please note that it is necessary to get the claim authorised by your group's convenor / budget holder or a Synod Officer before it can be considered for processing. Claims for travel to and from meetings of Synod will verified by checking the attendance register.

It is especially important to complete fully the details of expense section and particularly when claiming for mileage expenses. Forms that are incomplete in this section will be returned for correction before being considered for payment.

All expenses must be made in a timely way and generally by the end of the month following the expense.

The Finance Group determined that the rate for payment of normal car mileage shall be at the current rate determined by HMRC at the time of the claim, and as shown on the latest version of the claim form.

Normally claims will be paid on a Tuesday, provided that they have been made by the end of the previous working day.

We are able to send an email advising that a claim has been approved and created in the banking system for transfer to your bank. If you wish to receive such indications please advise when making the claim.