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ECO News


Photo by Ismael ParamoonUnsplash

Charles Jolly, Associate Member of our JPIC Group (Justice, Peace and the Integrity of Creation) shares the following news with us:

This Lent I am reading: 'Bodies on the Line – Christians, Civil Resistance and the Climate Crisis', an astonishing account written by Sue Parfitt, an octogenarian Anglican Priest.  If you want to understand why Christians are motivated to break the law (and you do not mind being challenged a little) do beg, borrow or buy this commendably concise book.  My question is this: 'If some of our level-headed brother and sisters are ready to face imprisonment for the sake of future generations and God's other creatures, what can we all attempt in order to have a comparable impact?

This is the introduction to chapter 4: “For some Christians, being faithful disciples at this time will involve breaking the law.  But resisting evil or injustice does not, by any means, always involve breaking the law.  Civil disobedience is one form of civil resistance: a non-violent, organised, public display of collective action, with the intent of influencing or changing the political, social or economic status quo.  This can include strikes, demonstrations, sit-ins, die-ins, marches and occupations; or the ordinary means of resistance to a policy available in a democratic society, such as letter-writing, leafleting, lobbying and public meetings.7


Celebrate Spring! Make sure you’re giving yourself quality time enjoying creation: smelling the blossom, tapping catkins, copying bird song, finding a footprint or identifying spring flowers with the Pl@ntNet app: go to Nature can boost our happiness so let's take time to observe nature in our gardens, on our balconies and in our local green spaces.  For more practical ways to enjoy, nurture and defend nature, sign up to A Rocha UK’s Wild Christian email at:


Caroline Hickman is a psychotherapist and lecturer at the University of Bath.  She works with children and young people experiencing eco-anxiety.   Although this guide, sponsored by Greenpeace, is not specifically Christian, Caroline shares her very sound advice on how to talk to primary school children about climate change.  There are no strings attached in requesting the guide.  Access the guide with this link .


2 Corinthians 5:17     When anyone is united to Christ, there is a new act of creation;

the old order has gone and a new order has already begun. (N.E.B.)

Lord Jesus, we celebrate the transformation that you bring into our lives through the power of the Holy Spirit. As we see the renewal of nature, remind us of the new creation that we are in You.

Help us leave behind old habits and embrace the new life that you have given us; inspire us to walk in your light and to be a reflection of your love.   With you by our side, may we serve our Heavenly Father by caring for people and for your wonderful Creation.  Amen.