Festival of Chaplaincy Dinner
Friday 21 March
Lincoln Cathedral
An opportunity to Dine in Style in the beautiful setting of Lincoln Cathedral
Enjoy a delicious 4-course Lincolnshire Dinner with Guest speaker Sir Jonathan Van-Tam; MC John Inverdale and music by the Ensemble of the Band of RAF College
Black-tie Dinner to celebrate and appreciate the work and achievements of the many Chaplaincies in Lincolnshire and beyond
Individual tickets £125 or table of 10 guests £1250
To book tickets info@festivalofchaplaincy.co.uk. Tel Sally Robinson 07747 042849 or Meryl Ward 07860 565289
Festival of Chaplaincy
Saturday 22 March 10.00 -4.00
Lincoln Cathedral
A Visit for all the family. Drop into the Cathedral for a day of fun and insight into the communities that work across Lincolnshire and the chaplains that support them.
Farming, Health, Schools, Waterways, RAF and the many other workers that make us proud to be Lincolnshire Yellowbellies!
Join us - Entrance to the Cathedral is Free with music, activities and family fun – help us celebrate!
No booking needed. Admission Free
Festival of Chaplaincy
Sunday 23 March Special Evensong 15.45
A special Evensong with Giles Legood MBE KHC, Chaplain-in-Chief of the RAF