New Beginnings
URC Spirituality if offering a FREE online one-day retreat via Zoom, based over three short sessions during the day – on Saturday 22 March 2025, thinking about Lent using a variety of approaches.
The sessions are:
10.00am for around 45mns - led by Jane Weedon
12.30am for around 45mns - led by Kathryn Price
3.30pm for around an hour - led by Ann Barton and concluded by Jane Weedon
There will be takeaways that you may like to do during the day and there will be the opportunity to share with each other in the final session.
Following our sharing of thoughts and experiences, Ann will then lead us in a short meditation based on two verses from the well-known hymn ‘Now the green blade riseth’, written by John Macleod Campbell Crum. It is sometimes known as ‘Love is come again’. We will then conclude with prayer.
Please book via the URC Spirituality website at: https://urc-spirituality.org.uk/events-and-retreats/