Media: Gallery
Each image can have a caption
Love one another
Whoever does not love
1 John 4:8 NIV
does not know God,
because God is love.
TEXT: Media
enables us to embed a media file from the Drupal Media Library.
It will be displayed according to the View Mode you choose.
Media: File
This block allows us to embed a .pdf file n the page. Note that this downloads into the web page the whole file whether it is read or not. It could be a big slow download, AND Gutenberg tells us that: Most phone and tablet browsers won't display embedded PDFs. You can switch off "Show inline embed", but that just leaves you with the Download button - and it does not even pick up the file name for you.
So, I think it is better to use TEXT: Media as above.
Embeds: Youtube
This allows you to embed a video served from Youtube. You just need to know the URL for the video such as
. The v= 'number' identifies the video, the t=nnns says the video should start nnn seconds in (so you can skip irrelevant stuff).
In he editor in order to change the URC you need to click the Edit URC button in the block menu; the footnote is always visible and editable.
and embedded video from Youtube, starting at 11:02 mins.
(use the edit URL icon to edit it in Gutenberg)